sábado, 23 de julho de 2011

Recheio do sanduíche

Uma casa diferente na vizinhança, em Landskrona, Suécia. Estreita — ela tem só 5m de largura (75m² de área). O projeto, de Elding Oscarson, é um dos vencedores do prestigiado prêmio “ The International Architecture Awards 2011” (do The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design).

Cheia de aço. Moderna. Três andares, um volume. Há uma enorme diferença entre o projeto de Oscarson, chamado “Townhouse”, e as antigas casas da vizinhança.  Um sanduíche delicioso!  

A different house in the neighborhood, in Landskrona, Sweden. Narrow — it is only 5m wide (75 square meters). The project, by Elding Oscarson, is one of the winners of the prestigious “The International Architecture Awards 2011” (The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design).

Full of steel. Modern. Three floors, one volume. There is a huge difference between Oscarson's project, called “Townhouse”, and the old houses in the neighborhood. A delicious sandwich!

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